Friday, April 8, 2011

What Are People From Our Own Archdiocese Saying About Why Catholic?

Jerry and Patty King. Small Community Group Leaders from St. James Parish report that they are getting great input from everyone in their small community group. "We are following the topic each week and our group comes to each meeting with deeper insights as they think about, talk to others, and read further resources on each topic. Our group meetings are thought provoking and we are engaged in the work. The Why Catholic? experience has offered us a valuable guide on how to be a better Catholic."

Mike and Stacy Gavin. Small Community Group leaders from St. Brigid explained that their Why Catholic? group was small so they combined with another group. "Because of the Why Catholic? process, we have met some trusted new friends and have become one cohesive and compatible group. It was interesting how much "cradle Catholics" are learning about our faith and we often say to one another, this is news to me."

Doris Furman commented, "If other groups are like ours, then they too are having a phenomenal and uplifting experience. Our group connects so well and we are taking turns serving in the leader/facilitator role. We are learning so much about what it means to be Catholic as we discuss each week's topic as well as sharing our past and present experiences. Being an old time Catholic this experience brings tears to my eyes."

Sister Mary Ellen Curl, RSM Spiritual Care Coordinator at Mercy Sacred Heart Village. "I was encouraged to write you regarding our Why Catholic? experience at Mercy Sacred Heart Village. I am facilitating two groups with a total of 26 residents. One group is comprised of lay residents and the other is a group of Ursuline Sisters living in our facility. This was not an intentional grouping, but it came about due to locations in the facility. Our participants are all in their late 80's and 90's. Our format is probably unlike most group formats due to the age of our participants and differing levels of abilities to participate. I present the content, inviting reflection and sharing. We are using the Family Handouts rather than the books. This is working best for us. As the facilitator, I am in awe of what the Spirit is doing in and through those gathered. Our sessions are truly a spiritual experience and a wonderful gift for me. Many of our participants are on walkers, canes, and in wheelchairs. Some are challenged visually as well as hearing impaired, but it is so evident that God is doing a mighty work in our midst!"

Suzie Reis said, "I cannot begin to tell you what an enriching experience my small group has been. I come home each Tuesday evening feeling truly blessed to have been able to share Why Catholic? with these special people. They have become like my family. Martha and Ed Wagner opened their beautiful home to us for our sharing sessions and it is truly and inspirational setting. I pray that everyone's time together has been as warm and friendly as ours."

As always we would love to hear what you have to say about Why Catholic? So drop us an email at and tell us all about it!!

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