All Souls' Day -- take a quick peek at the tradition of The Day of the Dead. See what the day means and how it is celebrated . . .
Day of the Dead | Religion & Ethics News Weekly []
Check out this short video on YouTube also:
The dynamic faith-sharing program called Why Catholic? is a journey, for adults, through the Catholic Catechism. This is the official web-blog for the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky. Welcome and enjoy. -- This is your chance to learn about Scripture and Catholic tradition; communicate with others; and share your Roman Catholic faith.

Monday, October 31, 2011
El Dia de Los Muertes -- Nov. 2 is the Day of the Dead
Friday, October 28, 2011
Why Catholic? -- Fall Mid-Season Check In
Hey, everybody. Well, we are getting deep into the Fall season of Why Catholic? -- on the topic of the Liturgy and the New Roman Missal. What's been the highlight in your group so far this season?
(Post some pictures too, if you can!)
(Post some pictures too, if you can!)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Want to Pray Better? -- Pope Says New Missal Will Help
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The new English translation of the Mass is the result of a long process of international cooperation and is meant to help Catholics pray better, Pope Benedict XVI told Australia's bishops. The new translation, which most Australian dioceses began introducing on Pentecost 2011, "is intended to enrich and deepen the praise offered to God by his people," the pope said Oct. 20. The morning after joining bishops from Australia for the inauguration of the Domus Australia, a pilgrim center in Rome, the pope welcomed the bishops to the apostolic palace and said the new liturgical translation was "the fruit of a remarkable cooperation of the Holy See, the bishops and experts from all over the world." He asked the bishops to help their priests appreciate the new text, and to help catechists and musicians do their part to make the Mass "a moment of greater grace and beauty, worthy of the Lord and spiritually enriching for everyone."
Web Source:
Australian Cardinal George Pell of Sydney is the chairman of the Vox Clara Commission, an international body established by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, to assist in the evaluation of English liturgical translations. The cardinal said, "I think a goodly percentage of the people didn't notice the difference" when he began using the new text at the Sydney cathedral. "There are pockets of dissatisfaction, but overwhelmingly the priests and people are happy and they will get used to it. The prayers are immensely richer . . . "
Web Source:
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Fall Season Underway
The Fall season of the Why Catholic? program is underway throughout the Archdiocese. Tell us how the meetings are going for your group. Looking forward to what you have to share.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Workshop on Advent Season
A workshop on the subject of Advent, sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education, has been scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
The details:
Advent: What, When, and How?
Presenter: Maureen Grisanti Larison
Saturday, October 15 -- 9:30 to 12:30
Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive, Louisville
Explore the theology of Advent; the practical meaning of the Advent season; and a variety of Advent practices and catechetical resources to use with a variety of specific age-groups (K thru Adult).
Participation Fee: $10.00
To pre-register, contact Linda at OLFE -- 502.448.8581 or
The details:
Advent: What, When, and How?
Presenter: Maureen Grisanti Larison
Saturday, October 15 -- 9:30 to 12:30
Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive, Louisville
Explore the theology of Advent; the practical meaning of the Advent season; and a variety of Advent practices and catechetical resources to use with a variety of specific age-groups (K thru Adult).
Participation Fee: $10.00
To pre-register, contact Linda at OLFE -- 502.448.8581 or
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Bardstown, Nazareth, & Rural Areas -- ALMI Workshop on Oct. 22
A workshop that will go hand-in-hand with the Fall 2011 season of Why Catholic? -- and other church ministries -- is coming up soon.
Title: "The Mass: Exploring Our Catholic Identity"
Date: Saturday, October 22 (2011) -- 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Presenter: Rev. Thomas Richstattter, OFM
This workshop will be held in Crimmins Hall, in Nazareth KY -- a special offering for those serving the Church in the Bardstown, Nazareth, Mount Washington, and south regions of the Archiocese. It will be sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville Ministry Institute (ALMI). It has been designed for adults engaged in ministries related to Christian initiation, liturgy, faith-formation, sacramental preparation, music, and the Why Catholic? program (both small group leaders and group members).
(This workshop will be a reprise of the offering in Louisville on June 11, 2011.)
The fee will be $25 (will include lunch). Register with ALMI soon.
Phone -- 502.448.8581 or E-Mail --
Title: "The Mass: Exploring Our Catholic Identity"
Date: Saturday, October 22 (2011) -- 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Presenter: Rev. Thomas Richstattter, OFM
This workshop will be held in Crimmins Hall, in Nazareth KY -- a special offering for those serving the Church in the Bardstown, Nazareth, Mount Washington, and south regions of the Archiocese. It will be sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville Ministry Institute (ALMI). It has been designed for adults engaged in ministries related to Christian initiation, liturgy, faith-formation, sacramental preparation, music, and the Why Catholic? program (both small group leaders and group members).
(This workshop will be a reprise of the offering in Louisville on June 11, 2011.)
The fee will be $25 (will include lunch). Register with ALMI soon.
Phone -- 502.448.8581 or E-Mail --
Monday, October 3, 2011
Prayer to Begin the Fall 2011 Season
The new season of Why Catholic? begins throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville this week. Let us pray, one and all, for the success of the program and the renewal of God's people, the Church.
A Disciple's Prayer
Loving God and Father, help us to be people of prayer, committed to the person and message of Jesus your Son.
Help us to grasp the integrity and beauty of the truths of our faith and the transforming power of your grace.
Nourish and strengthen us as people of faith, disciples of Jesus, committed to the mission of the Church, and eager to share the gospel without restraint.
Let our hearts burn within us as we catch glimpses of your heart in Jesus, for through him, we know your loving plan for us. We ask this through Jesus the Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit in one loving Trinity. Amen.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Back by Popular Demand: Season 2 of Why Catholic
A hearty welcome to all those returning -- and a special welcome to all who will be joining Why Catholic?, in the Archdiocese of Louisville, for the first time during early October.
Season Two officially kicks off during the period of October 2-8, 2011. Throughout the weeks of Fall, small-group, faith-sharing sessions will focus on a prayerful study of the new Roman missal.
For information about books and resources to use, click:
Do you have questions or needs regarding the Fall 2011 season of Why Catholic?
Contact: Mr. Sal Della Bella, Director at the Office of Lifelong Fomration & Education (OLFE) -- e: -- ph: 502.448.8581. Or check our WC? webpage:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Pope Calls All to New Evangelization
Pope Benedict asks all Catholics to dedicate
themselves to the New Evangelization.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Small Group Leader-Training Sessions
Leader Training for Why Catholic? Groups
Small Group Leadership Training will be provided for new leaders, and for those who did not attend a training session last February.An online version of the training is available at:
A new DVD version of the training session may be obtained by calling the OLFE Media Center at 502-448-8581.
On-Site Training: Saturday September 24 -- 9:30 - 11:30 AM at the Flaget Center
If you plan to attend, please register with Ms. Linda McLemore via e-mail at or by calling 502-448-8581.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Key Dates for Catechists and Why Catholic? Participants
So much to begin. So many to serve and to honor. So much to celebrate. Here are key dates coming up in the Archdiocese:
September 16 --
Archdiocesan-Wide Faith Formation Celebration !
(St. Lawrence Church, 1925 Lewiston Drive, Louisville KY, 6:30 PM)
September 17 -- Workshop by Leisa Ainslinger, M.A.
"The Village @ Work: Faith-Formation for the Whole Community" (St. Agnes Pastoral Center, 1920 Newburg Road, Louisville KY --9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
September 18 -- Catechetical Sunday, 2011

October 2-8 -- The second season of Why Catholic? begins this week
September 16 --
Archdiocesan-Wide Faith Formation Celebration !
(St. Lawrence Church, 1925 Lewiston Drive, Louisville KY, 6:30 PM)
September 17 -- Workshop by Leisa Ainslinger, M.A.
"The Village @ Work: Faith-Formation for the Whole Community" (St. Agnes Pastoral Center, 1920 Newburg Road, Louisville KY --9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
September 18 -- Catechetical Sunday, 2011

October 2-8 -- The second season of Why Catholic? begins this week
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
World Day of Prayer -- September 8, 2011
On September 8th (Thursday), people around the earth will celebrate World Day of Prayer 2011. Since its inception 18 years ago, the WDOP initiative has supported millions of God's people and countless worthy causes, around the globe, with prayer. This year’s theme for the World Day is "Together We Shine," for each of us is a channel through which Spirit illumines the world.
What a great opportunity for your Why Catholic? leadership team and participants to prepare for the upcoming season during Fall 2011.
WDOP occurs on the second Thursday of September each year. Its key purpose is to further the worldwide effort to uplift humanity and creation in shared, prayerful consciousness. -- pdf
What a great opportunity for your Why Catholic? leadership team and participants to prepare for the upcoming season during Fall 2011.
WDOP occurs on the second Thursday of September each year. Its key purpose is to further the worldwide effort to uplift humanity and creation in shared, prayerful consciousness. --
Friday, August 19, 2011
Video Workshop -- Getting Ready for the Fall 2011 Season
Recently, the Archdiocesan department of Faith-Formation hosted a very good workshop on the Catholic Mass. A workshop video was made. It is called:
The Mass: An Exploration of Our Catholic Identity
The video features Rev. Tom Richstatter, OFM. -- It will be agreat resource for individuals or groups who are getting ready for the upcoming season of Why Catholic?, which will center on Liturgy and the New Roman Missal.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Workshop on September 17: 'The Village @ Work'

"The Village @ Work:
Faith-Formation in the Whole Community"
It will be held at St. Agnes Parish -- 1800 Newberg Road, in Louisville (link for directions below), from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Presenter: Leisa Ainslinger, M.A.
All persons engaged in faith-formation ministry, on all levels in their local communities, are invited and urged to attend this special presentation.
Workshop Description: A proverb from Africa states that ‘it takes a village to raise a whole person.’ Never has this seemed more true! This workshop, by noted author and adult education specialist, Ms. Leisa Anslinger, will explore The Village at Work in the dynamic process of faith-formation in and for the whole local Church. During part one, Ms. Anslinger will focus – in conjunction with the theme of Catechetical Sunday 2011 -- on the critical and lifelong task of sacramental formation for all ages. Throughout part two of the workshop, she will center on practical dimensions of what parents, extended family members, and others (in the wider community) can do to nurture a lasting Catholic identity.
About Our Presenter: Leisa Anslinger is recognized widely as an expert on lifelong catechesis, faith-development, and Catholic stewardship. She holds a B.A. in Music Education, from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College; a Masters in Secondary-School Counseling, from Purdue University; and a M.A. in Religion from the Athenaeum of Ohio. She is the author of Here Comes Everybody! Whole Community Catechesis in the Parish – a practical guide about lifelong faith-formation programs in parish life today.
About Our Presenter: Leisa Anslinger is recognized widely as an expert on lifelong catechesis, faith-development, and Catholic stewardship. She holds a B.A. in Music Education, from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College; a Masters in Secondary-School Counseling, from Purdue University; and a M.A. in Religion from the Athenaeum of Ohio. She is the author of Here Comes Everybody! Whole Community Catechesis in the Parish – a practical guide about lifelong faith-formation programs in parish life today.
Register yourself and team members:
Office of Lifelong Formation & Education
Attention: Ms. Linda McLemore
Phone: 502-448-8584, ext. 1324
E-Mail: Cost: $35 per person (includes lunch)
Getting to the St. Agnes Parish's Pastoral Center:
Friday, August 12, 2011
FAQs -- Why Catholic During Fall 2011 in the Archdiocese
The Why Catholic? program for Fall 2011 begins soon in the Archdiocese of Louisville. Here are frequently asked questions, and some answers:
Our parish or school did not take part in the Why Catholic? program during Spring 2011. Is it too late for us to get started?
No. You are most welcome to register with RENEW and begin this season!, even if you did participate during the first season of Why Catholic? during Lent 2011.
Is there a suggested start date for the upcoming season of Why Catholic?
Yes. In the Archdiocese of Louisville, the recommended start for the Why Catholic? small groups is the week of October 2, 2011. (This should allow time to complete your small group process before next Advent).
What is the theme for the upcoming season (Fall 2011)?
The theme for the 6-week season is "Lifting Up Our Hearts: Praying with the Third Edition of the Roman Missal."
How do we order Why Catholic? materials for our parish or school?
Books for your Why Catholic? groups can be ordered through the RENEW website -- --
Use your web code to receive a discount. If you do not have a web code, or if you have not yet registered with RENEW, please seek assistance from:
Mr. Sal Della Bella
Director of Faith-Formation
Archdiocese of Louisville
Phone : 502.448.8581
Is there a suggested overall timeline for the upcoming season of Why Catholic?
Yes. The Office of Faith-Formation recommends:
Summer 2011 -- Recruit small group leaders (as needed)
September 11 and/or September 18 -- Sign up weekend(s)
Sept 24, 26, 28 -- Training sessions for new small group leaders
Week of October 2 -- Begin the 6 sessions of "Lifting Up Our Hearts"
Can we get new small-group leaders trained for Why Catholic?
Small Community Leader Training will be provided "live" at these 3 times* and locations for new leaders or for anyone who did not attend the February 2011 sessions.
Saturday, September 24 – Flaget Center 9:30-11:30 am
Monday, September 26 -- Holy Spirit Parish, 7:00-9:00 pm –
Wednesday, September 28 -- St. James in Elizabethtown, 7:00-9:00 pm
( * New group leaders need to attend only one of these.)
For those who prefer online training, use our internet model:
[ Click on Download Center and then WhyCatholic? Small Community Leader Training Videos ]
A use-it-yourself DVD of the small community leader training is also available at the Archdiocesan Office of Faith-Formation, at 502-448-8581.
What about other preparation steps?
Again, during this season, bulletin blurbs and supplemental catechetical resources will be provided by the Archdiocesan Office of Faith-Formation. These will be sent directly to your parish.
If your parish/school Why Catholic? coordinators and/or you have additional needs, please phone or e-mail the Office of Faith Fomration:
Mr. Sal Della Bella
Phone: 502.448.8581
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Other 6
Need to find God today? Who knows where, who knows when? -- The Other 6 is an internet community dedicated 24/7 to helping people find the love of the Creator (and each other) in all places and in all things. Visit today.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Pondering the Mystery of God
No thing, no person, and no cause will ever exhaust our human comprehension of the Mystery of the Creator!
Here's an invitation to take a few moments for reflection today about God, Ignatian spirituality style:
Click here ---> m/9879/finding-god-in-all-thin gs-4/?utm_source=feedburner&ut m_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Fee d%3A+dotMagis+%28dotMagis+-+Ig natian+Spirituality%29
Here's an invitation to take a few moments for reflection today about God, Ignatian spirituality style:
Click here --->
Monday, May 9, 2011
Free Webinar -- The Changing Catholic Parish
The Changing Face of Catholic Parishes
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Neil A. Parent and Mark M. Gray
According to the first major comprehensive study of Catholic parish life in 30 years, changes are occurring that are impacting the shape of pastoral leadership, ministry, and sacramental life. The research, conducted by CARA, is part of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project with funding from the Lilly Endowment. The webinar will describe the nature of the research and present the data most likely to affect pastoral leaders as they seek to remain relevant and effective in their respective roles. The presentation will draw on the first phase of research including survey responses from 850 randomly selected parishes in the United States.
Mark M. Gray is the director of CARA Catholic Polls and a senior research associate at CARA. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and a M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of California, Irvine. He has been a primary investigator for 13 national surveys of adult Catholics at CARA ranging from media use to sacramental practice.
Neil A. Parent is director of Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership, a national project funded by the Lilly Endowment. Previously, he served as executive director of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and as representative for adult education at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In the latter capacity, Parent edited ten books on adult catechesis, all published by the USCCB. He is also the author of the book A Concise Guide to Adult Faith Formation, published by Ave Maria Press.
Register for this free webinar here:
This free event is sponsored by Ave Maria Press – in partnership with the National Association for Lay Ministry ( and the National Conference of Catechetical Directors (
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Neil A. Parent and Mark M. Gray
According to the first major comprehensive study of Catholic parish life in 30 years, changes are occurring that are impacting the shape of pastoral leadership, ministry, and sacramental life. The research, conducted by CARA, is part of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project with funding from the Lilly Endowment. The webinar will describe the nature of the research and present the data most likely to affect pastoral leaders as they seek to remain relevant and effective in their respective roles. The presentation will draw on the first phase of research including survey responses from 850 randomly selected parishes in the United States.
Mark M. Gray is the director of CARA Catholic Polls and a senior research associate at CARA. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and a M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of California, Irvine. He has been a primary investigator for 13 national surveys of adult Catholics at CARA ranging from media use to sacramental practice.
Neil A. Parent is director of Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership, a national project funded by the Lilly Endowment. Previously, he served as executive director of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and as representative for adult education at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In the latter capacity, Parent edited ten books on adult catechesis, all published by the USCCB. He is also the author of the book A Concise Guide to Adult Faith Formation, published by Ave Maria Press.
Register for this free webinar here:
This free event is sponsored by Ave Maria Press – in partnership with the National Association for Lay Ministry ( and the National Conference of Catechetical Directors (
Vatican Extols the Import of Catholic Bloggers
On Monday, May 2, 150 bloggers, who were chosen from hundreds of applicants, participated in a meeting, at the Vatican, that was organized by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and the Pontifical Council for Culture. As soon as all were seated, virtually every attendee opened their laptops or took out their mobile phones to connect to the internet. During the meeting, the discussions transmitted on Facebook and Twitter were very intense. Hence, it was both a physical and virtual meeting, allowing 750 registered bloggers "on the outside," who were unable to participate in person, to follow the proceedings closely.
The meeting was to be extremely open, as the said at the beginning of the session. Archbishop
Claudio Maria Celli, president of Pontifical Council for Social Communications, specified that it
was not "a meeting of Catholic bloggers, even though many of you are inspired by the values of
the Gospel, but will attempt to be above all -- and Pope Benedict invites us respectfully to this -- a
respectful dialogue: respectful of the truths of others as well as aware of what we bear in our hearts, in convinced and passionate adherence to Christ the Lord."
During the first round table discussion, a number of these bloggers stressed the importance of this type of communication on the Internet. Participants underlined the way in which faith can be transmitted through blogs and discussions.
Quoting the words of John Paul II, Andrés Beltramo, author of the Sacro y Profano [Sacred and
Profane] blog, and the Roman correspondent for Notimex agency, urged the Church not to fear these
debates. Mattia Marasco, an Italian blogger, also invited the Church to "dare more" in this field.
Five speakers stressed the missionary aspect of the blogs -- like the birth of a new pastoral presence on the internet. Father Marco Sanavio said today the figure of the "web-pastor" is necessary.
François Jeanne-Beylot stated, "If Christ came to preach today, he would not go up a mountain
or get into a boat, but he would go to Twitter or open a blog." Archbishop Celli stated that the May 2 meeting would be the start of other possible initiatives of greater scope. It has helped the Holy See, he acknowledged, to be officially conscious "of the existence and importance of the 'blogosphere'" today.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wow. These people seem happy. Very much so. Why are they smiling?
Hint: It has to do with Why Catholic?
Hint: It has to do with Why Catholic?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Between Seasons -- Let's Stay Together (Virtually)
We're officially between seasons in the Why Catholic? process. But don't go away till Fall. We're still active here on the blog, and want you to participate too! -- Our Facebook page will remain active too.
So, please, today, "Like" us on Facebook. Tell your small group members to do so too. -- Go to, sign in, and in the Search box, type: Louisville Why Catholic.
So, please, today, "Like" us on Facebook. Tell your small group members to do so too. -- Go to, sign in, and in the Search box, type: Louisville Why Catholic.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tears, Hugs, Thanks, and See You Before the Fall Comes Along
As the St. Gabriel Tuesday night “Quilter’s Room” Why Catholic group wrapped up our final session on Sacraments, we reflected on the past six weeks. The consensus was that we were not ready to end our meetings. We felt saddened that we would not come together again in this format until the Fall session began!
Our group came together by choosing Tuesday evenings as a convenient time for each of us to meet on our sign-up sheets. We started as a group of 13 people, some already acquainted with one another (4 members related to on another; a married couple, a mother and daughter, two friends) others just meeting each other for the first time. At our very first meeting we all became bonded through conversation and discovering we had similar tender stories to share. That first session ended with a few tears, lots of hugs and gratitude that the Holy Spirit brought us to this meeting with one another.
That first night allowed us to be more relaxed and open to sharing for the next five gatherings. As we reflected on the program and the outcome of our sessions, we all proclaimed to return in the Fall for the Roman Missal faith sharing meetings and we all want to meet at the same place, same time and with the same group! Before getting into our cars to drive home for the evening some of us even agreed to meet before Fall for lunch or dinner and to have a Summer get together with the entire group!
Lisa Leister
Personnel Services Coordinator
Archdiocese of Louisville
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pop Quiz -- A Look Back @ Season 1 of Why Catholic?
Have a little fun, and offer us your feedback about your Why Catholic? group.
(1) Join Facebook -- access it at:!/pages/Louisville-Why-Catholic/174806722565612
Got pix of your parish's Why Catholic? group? -- E-mail to us now:
(1) Join Facebook -- access it at:
(3) Look for the fun pop quiz dated April 26.!/pages/Louisville-Why-Catholic/174806722565612
Got pix of your parish's Why Catholic? group? -- E-mail to us now:
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Beyond Season 1: Wednesday Night Group Will Meet Monthly
"Our discussions helped me to reflect on my faith journey and deepen my understanding. I feel this has helped lead me onto the path to a closer
relationship with God. I truly feel that I wouldn't change anything about
the group."
-- Why Catholic? Group -- Jeffersontown, Season 1
What does your Why Catholic? bunch have to report?
The Why Catholic? group above has chosen to meet once a month until Season 2 gets underway, during Fall 2011. Want some good ideas about what to do, and how to do it? Contact the Faith-Fomration office by telephone (502) 448.8581 and/or by e-mail:
* * * *
"Yes. It all went really well. I was able to 'refresh my memory' so-to-speak, of the reasons why I do the things I do as a member of the Catholic faith . . . . I feel I have a closer relationship with God and Jesus. I feel I have a better attitude toward life. And, I feel that I have met a group of individuals that I look forward to seeing over the entire course of the Why Catholic? process."
Monday, April 25, 2011
Now That You Have Survived Lent
Take some time to visit the timely blog of our friend, author and editor Michael Leach. He lists 10 reasons to keep the Catholic identity flames lit with adolescents and young adults.
Be sure to "like" our Why Catholic? page on Facebook today! -- Log on to free webpage: -- then search for Louisville Why Catholic.
Be sure to "like" our Why Catholic? page on Facebook today! -- Log on to free webpage: -- then search for Louisville Why Catholic.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Evaluacion -- Phase One of Why Catholic in Spanish?
A number of Spanish-language participants were asked recently about their experience of Season 1 of Why Catholic?
(They mainly used the Family Faith Bulletins as the basis for their meetings.) They wrote:
¿Que salió bien? What went well?
· Yo pienso que como todos compartÃamos nuestras ideas pues estuvo muy bien por la convivencia y por las pláticas.
I think that we all shared our ideas very well during the social time and our talk.
· La comunicación entre los que estaban en distintos grupos.
The communication that occurred during the different groups.
· Compartir nuestra fe con otros parroquianos.
To share our faith with other parishioners.
· Pues se aprende mas a informarse sobre la fe que se tiene en dios y también se siente bonito como ser algo nuevo sobre la vida eterna
Well, learning more information about faith that we have in God and also feelings about eternal life.
· Bueno pues me parece muy bien porque nos ayuda a no perder la fe y a unirnos más con la comunidad y principalmente con nuestra familia y a entender el porqué a veces creemos estar lejos de dios pero eso nos hace reflexionar y sabemos que dios siempre está con nosotros.
Good. it seems very good to me because it helps us not to lose the faith and to unite us with the community, mainly with our family and to understand the reason at times we believe to be far from God; but after reflection, we know that God is always with us.
· A mi me gusta porque nos hace convivir y compartir, preguntas y respuestas diferentes de lo que uno sabe. Se aprende a reflexionar y sacar conclusiones. Nos ayuda a aprender y conocer mas y nos ayuda hacer oración y a convivir con la familia.
For me, I like being together and sharing questions and answers different from what I know. I learned to reflect and to draw conclusions. It helps us to learn and to know more and helps us to pray and be together as a family.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Good Morning! Before Mass, Please Turn Your Cell Phone -- ON!
Does your parish have a social media plan? What are some (new, innovative) ways to communicate with your partcipants before, during, and after seasons of Why Catholic?
Imagine if you heard this one Saturday evening or Sunday -- in the near future -- as you settled in for Mass.
"Please Turn Your Cell Phone ON."
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Average Catholic Meets Holy Week
A thoughtful new blog asks the question Why Stay Catholic?
It is produced by Michael Leach, editor-at-large and publisher emeritus of Orbis Books. His new book is called Why Stay Catholic?: Unexpected Answers to a Life-Changing Question (published by Loyola Press).
This will be a great blog to keep up with, between seasons of Why Catholic? and beyond. -- Here is a perfect sample, dated April 18, of Mike Leach's thoughtful, skilled, and uplifting reflections:
"Holy Week is not about guilt but about freedom from fear. Jesus demonstrated by his life, death, and resurrection that God does not look on us the way we look on ourselves. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it: “so that thus we might know God’s love” (those are the Catechism’s italics, not mine). This is the message of Holy Week."
Blog: --
This will be a great blog to keep up with, between seasons of Why Catholic? and beyond. -- Here is a perfect sample, dated April 18, of Mike Leach's thoughtful, skilled, and uplifting reflections:
"Holy Week is not about guilt but about freedom from fear. Jesus demonstrated by his life, death, and resurrection that God does not look on us the way we look on ourselves. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it: “so that thus we might know God’s love” (those are the Catechism’s italics, not mine). This is the message of Holy Week."
Blog: --
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Popular Bible, Revision Edition, Now Available
New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)
The first major update to the New American Bible (NAB) text in 20 years has been approved for publication. The NABRE accomplishes three major goals in Biblical scholarship: (1) a more accurate translation aided by modern archeological and historical discoveries; (2) a more consistent rendering of the Greek and Hebrew regarding the original text; and (3) changes in modern, English usage of particular words.
The NABRE includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament.
The NABRE includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Finding Community, Finding Church
'Everything I learned in grade school, I am confirming as an adult. It really teaches you to pray all over again!'
Great article about Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese. Thanks to Marnie McAllister, assistant editor of The Record, our Archdiocesan newspaper.
Great article about Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese. Thanks to Marnie McAllister, assistant editor of The Record, our Archdiocesan newspaper.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Put Yourself in the Picture for Season 2
Why Catholic is for all adults. -- What a Lent we have had together -- in over 105 parishes and other settings. Participants are multi-generational, and represent many cultures and ethnicities. Living witnesses to an amazing variety of 20th century and 21st century eras in the Catholic community.
People of all ages and backgrounds are learning things that they've never considered before! What has drawn them together is a living, shared Catholic identity.
Put yourself in the picture for Season 2. Especially if you've had to miss the current start of Why Catholic? The second season is scheduled to begin during the Fall of 2011. Watch for details . . .
People of all ages and backgrounds are learning things that they've never considered before! What has drawn them together is a living, shared Catholic identity.
Put yourself in the picture for Season 2. Especially if you've had to miss the current start of Why Catholic? The second season is scheduled to begin during the Fall of 2011. Watch for details . . .
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Epiphany Parish: Renewal and Action!
A Field Report by Ms. Merilyn Coslow
Prepared originally for the weekly parish bulletin at Epiphany Parish
You may have heard about the Why Catholic? renew process happening here at Epiphany and throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville, while wondering what it is all about. Why Catholic? is designed to highlight select teachings around which faith-sharing takes place in small groups.
The process enables participants to discover and embrace their own personal faith story and allows them to reflect on, and answer, the questions, “What does it mean to be Catholic? How did I become Catholic? Why do I remain Catholic?”
Why Catholic? is also designed to balance prayer, sharing on Scripture, and reflection on the teachings of our faith, providing a full and fruitful faith-sharing experience for the participants.
Our journey is beginning with “The Celebration of the Christian Mystery: Sacrament." This book explores how we celebrate our faith in sacramental liturgy. At the end of each weekly faith-sharing session, there is an opportunity for “living the Good News” by determining a specific action (individual or group) to take that flows from our sharing.
While our group may be small in number, it is large in heart and ideas. During our session “The Body of Christ at Prayer” we discussed the reflection section called United in Christ. Each member in the group shared how they felt they lived their everyday life as the common priesthood of Christ where individually and as a community we are members of the Body of Christ.
One person mentioned that she felt a responsibility and desire to help a lady in Shelbyville distribute various items to families in need in that area. The group immediately wanted to pitch-in and help. As a result, the group decided that one week, we would supply towels, blankets, and sheets to these families. The next week we decided we would make Easter baskets for the children of these families.
Our faith-sharing sessions have not only awakened and renewed in us individually the various aspects of the sacraments, but they have brought us together to minister to the needs of others!
Why Catholic? Quote of the Day
"For a stalk to grow or a flower to open there must be time that cannot be forced; nine months must go by for the birth of a human child; to write a book or compose music often years must be dedicated to patient research ...To find the mystery there must be patience, interior purification, silence, waiting...."
-- Pope John Paul
Does this quote fit into what you are experiencing -- individually and as a group -- via Why Catholic? Take the time to think about the mystery and continue to grow in holiness. Peace be with you all!
-- Pope John Paul
Does this quote fit into what you are experiencing -- individually and as a group -- via Why Catholic? Take the time to think about the mystery and continue to grow in holiness. Peace be with you all!
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