Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Elizabethtown Praises the Why Catholic? Program

Fall 2012 Season
From:  St. James Catholic Church -- Elizabethtown, Kentucky
By:  Brenda Bush
(Sessions are being held at the home of Jim and Brenda Bush.)  
What a blessing our Why Catholic? group is! 
We all have remarked how much it means to us to be able to share our faith and learn more about what it means to be a Catholic in today’s world.   
Jim and I are fortunate to host this wonderful gathering of friends and Christian family. God has spoken to us in many ways through Why Catholic? We pray that we will continue to be guided by Him in our daily lives.
Thanks to Sue Spink, Greg and Laurel Padgett, Corby and Barbara Powers, Frank and Marlene Bryan, Bill and Joyce Godfrey, and joining us this session – Joe Padgett, Greg’s brother, as well as Greg & Laurel’s son Jeremy (who alos enjoys the time of fellowship).
We appreciate being together and give thanks to God,  St. James Church, Elizabethtown, and to the Archdiocese of Louisville for this opportunity!


Friday, September 21, 2012

PRAY FIRST -- Why Catholic Begins New Season

          #Pray First.  Why Catholic?  groups will begin meeting during early October. Be sure to sign up in your local parish this weekend, if you have not yet done so!

          Sign-up's to join parish small groups, retreat training sessions, and group leader trainings are all part of the current run up to the new season of the  Why Catholic?  program in the Archdiocese.

Click on the link below to see the "We're Back in Action" planning:

Now, look over the plan, get on the bus, and let's get going toward our new "PRAY FIRST" season.

  • Photo: Sign-up opportunities, retreat preparations, and small group leader trainings mark the current run up to the new season -- "PRAY FIRST" -- of the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese. Look over the plan, get on the bus, and let's get going toward our new "PRAY FIRST" season. --

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    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Training for Why Catholic Groups Begins Again

    Finally it's mid-September. And the time has come to start a new round of small group leader training sessions and retreat-team workshops to prepare for the new season of the  Why Catholic?  program in the Archdiocese! The seasonal theme will be:

    "Pray First!" 

    The training and workshop sessions for parish coordinators and small group leaders involved in  Why Catholic?  is coming upon us swiftly! 

    Do you have returning group members? Or new people who want to get started?  

    Check our preparation plan  by clicking on the link below for the new Fall season  of 2012  --

    Tuesday, August 28, 2012

    Archbishop Meets with Why Catholic Participants: Discusses the Synod on New Evangelization This Coming Ocotber

    During August, Archbishop Joseph P. Kurtz held several meetings to hear the ideas, views, and feedback of  Why Catholic?  group members.

    A key subject of discussion at each gathering was the upcoming  Synod on the New Evangelization, scheduled for October. Participants came from various locales in the Archdiocese to attend.

    Here are some photos from the gathering at St. Albert the Great Parish.

    Archbishop Kurtz (center) with meeting participants

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    We Are Back in Action! -- Why Catholic? (Fall 2012)

    "Pray First!"  --   Why Catholic?  in the Archdiocese


    The new Fall season of the  Why Catholic?  program, in the Archdiocese, is coming upon us swiftly!  The theme for the Fall will be Christian Prayer.

    Do you have returning group members? Or new people who want to get started?  Here's the  plan  for the Fall  of 2012  --

    September 8 - 9
    September 15 - 16                Sign-Up Weekends @ Your Parish

    September 17 - 21                Small Group Leader/Facilitator
                                                                Training Sessions  *

    October 7 - 13                      Why Catholic? Groups Begin
                                                                to Meet  (6 Sessions)

    Small Group Leader Trainings will meet
          on these dates  (pick one only):

    September 19      St. Augustine Church
                                                  in Lebanon KY  --  7:00 to 9:00 PM

    September 20      Holy Spirit Parish/McGhee Room
                                                  in Louisville  --  9:00 to 11:00 AM

    September 20      St. James Parish
                                                  in Elizabethtown KY --  7:00 to 9:00 PM
                                                  (in Rodney Thomas Room)

    September 21      St. Margaret Mary Parish
                                                  in Louisville  --  7:00 to 9:00 PM
                                                 (in the Hospitality Room)


    Monday, April 23, 2012

    A Clever Picture and 1,000 Words Too!

    There are several new resources available on the  New Evangelization.

    One is a clever cartoon online. The other is a document from the Catholic Bishops of the United States.

    Here is the web url that will take you to an expanded


    Sunday, April 22, 2012

    Free Webinar -- 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness

    A free webinar on the "7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness" will be presented by author and catechist Dr. Joe Paprocki.

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012
    8:00 to 9:00 p.m. (EDT)

    Sponsored by the Loyola Press

    Based on Dr. Paprocki’s new book, participants will explore 7 key ways by which all can be renewed by the God's grace.

         Seeing Yourself as You Really Are
         Actively Seeking the Good of Others
         Thinking Before Acting
         Holding on Loosely
         Recognizing and Setting Limits
         Channeling Desires
         Unleashing Your Imagination

    For more information and/or to acess the webinar sign-in page, right click here:

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    An Ever-Changing Laity -- What Concerned Leaders Should Do

    While the Why Catholic? model is on hiatus until Fall 2012, you really should take a look @ a short piece by Dr. Neil Parent on the spiritual sentiments and needs of our ever-changing Catholic laity in the USA.
    Here is the Archdiocesan blog page on which you can find the Parent article:

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Monday, April 9, 2012

    5 Steps: Plan Your Parish's Social Media Use

    New From  -- utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+catholictechtalk%2Farticles+%28Catholic+Tech+Talk%29&utm_content=FaceBook&doing_wp_cron=1333652836

    Have you heard? Catholic bishops are tweeting. Facebook and Google+ look interesting. Texts and Tweets are careening thru virtual space. So you decide to give it a go.

    But, at first, nothing seems to be happening . . .

    Don't forget to first plan your overall parish social media strategy, as you would envision a great party.  Common business approaches don't work so well. So, have a successful launch for your social and online strategies by trying 5 practical steps.

    Access the highlighted link above!

    Thursday, April 5, 2012

    Happy Easter to All

    Happy Easter to one and all from the Archdiocesan Faith-Formation staff.

    Easter Prayer

    by RENEW International

    Your love, O God, embraces all creation, from the tree of the cross.
    You have broken open the barriers of sin and selfishness
    that separate us from one another and from you.
    Remain with us and work through us
    that others may come to see that love in us
    that they saw and loved in Jesus-
    a life freely given for the life of the world.
    Until that great day, when your love will reign and all will be one,
    may we walk in peace, work for justice,
    live in gratitude, and celebrate unceasingly the wonders of your love.
    Draw us all to you, O God, through the dying and rising of Christ,
    in the power of the Spirit.
