The Archdiocesan newspaper, The Record, recently ran a special update about the program Why Catholic? It included details about the start-up of the Lent 2012 season. It also included interesting 'voices from the field' quotes -- from around the Archdiocese -- about the how Why Catholic? has been received in church parishes, in both English and Spanish.
Use this internet address to access the recent Why Catholic? newspaper piece:
The dynamic faith-sharing program called Why Catholic? is a journey, for adults, through the Catholic Catechism. This is the official web-blog for the Why Catholic? program in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky. Welcome and enjoy. -- This is your chance to learn about Scripture and Catholic tradition; communicate with others; and share your Roman Catholic faith.

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Newspaper Story Features Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Suggested Timeline -- Why Catholic? in Lent 2012
Here is a suggested timeline for the upcoming season of Why Catholic?
(Please see your RENEW Parish Team Handbook for more specifics.)
(Please see your RENEW Parish Team Handbook for more specifics.)
Sign up Sundays – Occur before the Why Catholic? season (example: January 29 & February 5)
Begin Small Groups -- 6 group sessions begin during week of February 20
Retreat Leader Training in March -- dates to be announced; designed to prepare interested individuals to act as parish retreat leaders for Why Catholic? themes.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Season 3 of Why Catholic? -- Get Ready for It
It is time to prepare for the next 6 small group sessions of Why Catholic? on the theme of “Celebration of the Christian Mystery: Sacraments."
This week, your parish bulletin editor was sent bulletin announcements designed to help with RENEW Why Catholic? promotion. Other suggestions for recruiting participants can be found in the Renew Parish Resource Manual, on the RENEW website (, and by contacting Mr. Sal Della Bella -- Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education (OLFE).
In addition, the Archdiocesan calendar for Why Catholic? -- and other resources -- can be found at:
This week, your parish bulletin editor was sent bulletin announcements designed to help with RENEW Why Catholic? promotion. Other suggestions for recruiting participants can be found in the Renew Parish Resource Manual, on the RENEW website (, and by contacting Mr. Sal Della Bella -- Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation & Education (OLFE).
Here is a suggested timeline for the upcoming season.
(Please see your RENEW Parish Team Handbook for more specifics.)
(Please see your RENEW Parish Team Handbook for more specifics.)
*** Sign up Sundays – Occur before the new Why Catholic? season
(Example: January 29 & February 5)
*** Begin Small Groups -- 6 group sessions begin during week of February 20
*** March 2012 – Retreat Leader Training
(The Retreat Leader Training event was originally scheduled for February 2012. It will begin to prepare interested individuals to act as parish retreat leaders for various Why Catholic? themes.)
Times and locations for "onsite" Small Community Leader Training -- for all new and existing small group leaders -- have been set. We have heard from many that it would be helpful to share ideas/suggestions/challenges of the Why Catholic? group process with other small group leaders. An opportunity to do so will be provided, along with time to describe the process for the next 6 sessions. Please invite all of your small group leaders to attend!
For those who cannot attend in person, online training will be available via our website at Click on Download Center and then WhyCatholic? Small Community Leader Training Videos.
If online training is not an option, obtain a training DVD of the training from the Faith-Formation division of OLFE, at 502-448-8581.
*** Times and Locations for Onsite Training -- January 2012
· Tuesday, January 17h – St Augustine, Lebanon 7-9 PM
· Wednesday January 18 - St Margaret Mary, 7-9 PM
· Thursday January 19 - St James, Elizabethtown 7-9 PM
(Please have small community leaders RSVP to Ms. Linda McLemore: LMCLEMORE@ARCHLOU.ORG or 502-448-8581 for these training sessions.)
Hopefully your small groups from Lent 2011 still have their booklets (The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Sacraments). For this Lent we will be completing the booklet doing session 7-12.. If you are in need of additional books please go to the RENEW website, or contact RENEW by calling toll-free order: 888-433-3221
Check out our Louisville Why Catholic page on Facebook! Log onto your Face- book account, then search for Louisville Why Catholic. Be sure to "Like" our FB page.
Check out our Louisville Why Catholic page on Facebook! Log onto your Face- book account, then search for Louisville Why Catholic. Be sure to "Like" our FB page.
In addition, the Archdiocesan calendar for Why Catholic? -- and other resources -- can be found at:
You might want to use your Twitter account to follow the Archbishop, @Archbishop Kurtz. And you can follow official Archdiocesan news, stories, etc., @ArchLouKY.
More information and resources will be disseminated, including
curriculum materials for youth and children, small group resources for Sacraments, and additional training opportunities/support.
curriculum materials for youth and children, small group resources for Sacraments, and additional training opportunities/support.
Contact the Faith-Formation at OLFE for assistance -- e-mail: and/or phone: 502.448.8581.
Happy New Year from the Faith-Formation Staff
Warm greetings and happy new year 2012 from the Faith-Formation office staff in the Archdiocese. We look forward to serving you during the months to come.
A new, Archdiocesan-wide season of Why Catholic? will begin near the start of Lent 2012. Plan to take part. Seek true spiritual renewal during this holy season.
@ Saint Rita, Okalona -- 9:00 to 11:30 AM
@ Saint James, Elizabethtown -- 2:00 to 4:30 PM
These training sessions will be facilitated by Mr. Manuel Hernandez, a RENEW Why Catholic? staff member, from New Jersey.
There will be a Catholic Men's Conference, in Louisville, on March 31 (2012). The theme will be "Learning and Living Our Faith: The Difference that Jesus Makes." Presenters will include Most. Rev. Joseph Kurtz, the Archbishop of Louisville. Want to know more or to pre-register? Check out two, new online sources:
Facebook: Louisville Catholic Men's Conference ("Like" this page on FB)
A new, Archdiocesan-wide season of Why Catholic? will begin near the start of Lent 2012. Plan to take part. Seek true spiritual renewal during this holy season.
Small group leader and coordinator training -- in Spanish -- for the new season of Porque Ser Catolico? (Why Catholic? in Spanish) is scheduled for Saturday, January 7:@ Saint Rita, Okalona -- 9:00 to 11:30 AM
@ Saint James, Elizabethtown -- 2:00 to 4:30 PM
These training sessions will be facilitated by Mr. Manuel Hernandez, a RENEW Why Catholic? staff member, from New Jersey.
Big News!
Facebook: Louisville Catholic Men's Conference ("Like" this page on FB)
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